[00:00] --- Thu Sep 2 2004 [17:56] fynnlon (~fynnlon@xdsl-81-173-147-82.netcologne.de) joined #@heinzi. [17:56] hallo [17:57] CTCP SOUND: ohyea from fynnlon (fynnlon!~fynnlon@xdsl-81-173-147-82.netcologne.de) to #@heinzi [17:57] Action: fynnlon jumps around @heinzi. [17:58] Action: fynnlon is away nach Big Brother,simmer wieder dabei [17:58] Nick change: fynnlon -> fynnlon|a [18:02] fynnlon|a (~fynnlon@xdsl-81-173-147-82.netcologne.de) left irc: "Leaving" [20:36] fynnlon (~fynnlon@xdsl-81-173-151-3.netcologne.de) joined #@heinzi. [20:36] CTCP SOUND: yes from fynnlon (fynnlon!~fynnlon@xdsl-81-173-151-3.netcologne.de) to #@heinzi [20:36] CTCP SOUND: ohyea from fynnlon (fynnlon!~fynnlon@xdsl-81-173-151-3.netcologne.de) to #@heinzi [20:36] Channel flood from fynnlon -- kicking [20:36] CTCP SOUND: yahoo from fynnlon (fynnlon!~fynnlon@xdsl-81-173-151-3.netcologne.de) to #@heinzi [20:36] fynnlon kicked from #@heinzi by heebot: flood [00:00] --- Fri Sep 3 2004